Saturday, August 23, 2008

sam's newest accomplishments!

sam now has two teeth (both lower centrals) and they are too cute. you can see one of them pretty well when he smiles big but other than that it's somewhat difficult to get a good view of them! he has also learned his first sign. he now signs for milk and it's so cute to watch! i really need to get it on video. we are so proud of him! he is also moving ALL over the place! he doesn't do a 'true' crawl but instead does more of an inchworm move. however, he still gets to where he wants to go and we have to watch him like a hawk now! he's also started to realize that he can grab onto objects like our coffee table and is attempting to pull up. this guy is definitely keeping us on our toes!

i've been doing pretty good. the nausea has officially started and i have both good days and bad days. we have our next appt in just under 3 weeks. we are still in shock over knowing that we are pregnant!


Shannon said...

Yay Sam !!! What a big boy ! That sounds so cute him signaling for milk :) Hope you feel better soon, it's harder the second time around because you have another one to take care of !

Unknown said...

That's amazing that he is learning to sign! I hope your nausea isn't too bad and just make sure to eat lots of yummy things and not to cook too much...that's one of the perks of pregnancy :)